
Genius. Real Genius. Well maybe just Talent.

My new background - http://imgur.com/UbImh

I was able to go to the Tim Burton exhibit when I was down in LA this weekend. His stuff is just amazing. Most people would say his work definitely has a dark quality about it. Literally, it's dark.

I am not a dark person and I don`t consider myself dark. - Tim Burton 


All things come to an end

Ryu Izayoi is closing next month to make way for a hakata ramen joint.


Sites I like

That's all for today.


You can't dream if you can't sleep

There was something wrong. Something, but we couldn't really put a finger on it. So we ran around with worried looks and tired legs. The time went on and things kept humming so we didn't try to fix nervous 'what if's'.
Just like a the blue moon it came out again, suddenly and big. The finger was placed while we looked in awe. It's obvious, the tides as the blue moon sweeps them to your feet. The humming was broken by the shallow waves from the tides of the blue, full moon.
Our feet wet from standing still, suddenly we found ourselves out of excuses and with no more strength to run anymore. Finally the tides withdrew and retreated to the sea, dark and stormy with the full blue moon. We were left with just us, you and me. That's where goodbyes live, the space where the moon is blue and full.


Feelin Blue

I was sick the pas two days. Sick from a diet change. I spent yesterday looking at ways to travel around the world. Then there were a lot of 'what if's' and reality started to cloud over my brief daydream.


Just run and never stop

Busy weekend. I didn't have time to stop. Didn't have time to reflect - that was probably a good thing. I'm going to keep going because I don't like where I am.


Sea-gatarian no more!

Feels good to be back.


Infinite Possibilities

Hope is an important thing. Don't give up.
"When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be."



Sometimes you get sad. Sometimes it feels like there is no rhyme or reason. I saw this and it made me feel better about everything for a minute.

Photo - Yang Tee Mon


X1 - Nerd Lust

Thinkpad X1 Review

Can I really move away from my Macbook Air, my 27" iMac (Quad-Core i7)? Can I? Ohhh I'd like to find out.


Fried egg sandwich

@plow in Sf


Things I Want

To be a better man.

Magnanni boots.

How'd I do?


Metropol Parasol

Metropol Parasol

The largest wooden structure in the world. Obviously you haven't seen my pants. ha.



Desert Eagle .44

They didn't have the .50.